Thursday, September 08, 2005

What the Heck am I Thinking?!?

The countdown is 6 days. Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm actually joining the Peace Corps. Its one of those things that I dreamed of when I was younger. Whenever I accomplish something big on my list of TO DOs, I have to take a step back because I'm amazed that I've got it together (somewhat).

The BIG question everyone asks is "What made you join the Peace Corps?" And my response is: "I'm going to save the world." I know its a hokey response but its so much simpler than delving into all of my reasons. So here's the down & dirty, E! True Hollywood Story (I'm kidding, they haven't done a show about me yet).

At Truman State University, I studied Accounting and Business Management. I guess at first I wanted to make money and live comfortably. But by the time senior year rolled around, I was unhappy with my choice of focus. For three years, I had studied best business practices, with profit being the bottome line. I woke up and realized that profit is NOT the bottom line, and that I care more about people than I do about money.

After this realization, I couldn't figure out what I would do with my degrees without helping some evil empire (ie Walmart) make more money. After researching several unfeasible options, I rediscovered my previous dream of joining the Peace Corps.

Basically, I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have as much education as I do. There are countless people who would love an education, but have to sacrifice it to work for their families at a young age. I took school for granted for too many years. And since I had good opportunities, I think the least I can do is to go somewhere that people need and want my help.

I also want to see every place on Mother Earth. Maybe its unrealistic, but this adventure will give a few more notches in the old tiller.

I know this sounds like a bunch of idealistic propoganda, but there it is. At least some of it.


P.S. Tiller = steering wheel of a sailboat

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