Sunday, November 05, 2006


Today water started pouring out of my radiator because the cap was missing.  It was coming full force and I couldn’t manage to keep a bowl or bucket under the radiator to catch all of the water.  My bowls were filling up too quickly and my buckets were too tall to fit underneath.  It was a complete nightmare.  My landlord is out of town and whoever is watching his house didn’t offer any help.  I called the guys at work to see if someone would come help me, but they didn’t.  There was so much water on my floor and I didn’t know what to do with it.  I don’t have towels and rags that I was willing to put down to soak all of it up.  My carpet soaked much of it up.  Finally my landlord’s younger brother (Ulan) showed up.  He is 17 years old and didn’t know what to do either.  Luckily he knows many people, because he went and found some men to help me.  They were able to plug up the radiator temporarily.  My carpet was drenched in muddy water.  I talked Ulan into carrying it outside for me and cleaning it.  I cleaned the bedroom by soaking water up with a single rag and squeezing it out into a bucket.  Who knows where the water came from.  It had a lot of mud in it.  As I was cleaning up the mud, the man who lives downstairs came and told me that he wants me to pay him because the water leaked through to his apartment.  I’m not the owner and I have no intention of paying for this.  It’s days like this that make me think I can’t handle this life.


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